Delphic Oracle 5 Online Help

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Font Sizes - Planet Wheel

I have created a composite image to show you the mapping of the values of the Planet Wheel fonts:

Degree font:  This is the size of the degree indicator if visible.  Visible when PlanetListType is plFull, or plDegreeOnly.

Glyph font:  This is the size of the glyph between the minutes and seconds.  Only visible if PlanetListType = plFull.

Minute font:  This is the size of the minute indicator if visible.  Only visible if PlanetListType = plFull.

Planet font:  This is the size of the glyph indicating which planet this is.  Always visible.

Rx font:  This is the size of the retrograde indicator.  Only visible if PlanetListType = plFull, otherwise retrograde is indicated with red font for the degrees.

Zoidiasoft Technologies Astrology Software