Update Planetary Hour Stats
Select how often you wish to have Timaeus recalculate the current hour progress using the "Update Planetary Hour Stats" combo box. There is a range between 1 second and 1 minute. I personally prefer a 10 second interval. The more often you check, the more accurate and current your measurements will be. However it does involve some overhead in system resources.
Keep in mind that while an hour is in progress that there isn't a sudden change between hours but a phasing in and a passing away of an hour at the time of an hour change. The strongest part of the hour is the center. For instance if it is currently a Saturn hour but only 2 minutes remain, you know that Saturn is giving way to Jupiter, 5 minutes later Jupiter is more dominant but there will still be saturnian issues. Wait 10 - 15 minutes into the start of a planetary hour be be safely into the pure expression of that hour.